Portfolio Index for Trish
Hey there! I thought it might be handy for you to have this at-a-glance page in place for while you're fleshing out content for your portfolio pages. We can delete it (or just disable in case you'd like to use it along the way,) when this is all ready... if you like. Here are the samples... sadly I can't alphabetize them, but they show up in the order I added them. (Sorry they're all far apart. I wanted to make this quick and handy and it got silly.)
(I'd originally clicked "archive block" and that should have worked... see below. BUT we have 13 samples so far and only 10 are showing up! No idea why but I added the part above to quickly circumvent the issue, since this isn't for public anyway.)
May 2016
- May 20, 2016 Pleasants Feature Article: Packaged Pumps
- May 20, 2016 Belimo Flow Control Advertisement
- May 17, 2016 Fluid Handling Representatives Association Brochure
April 2016
- Apr 28, 2016 Essential Strategies for Insulating Cold Piping In HVAC Systems - Webinar Script
- Apr 28, 2016 Armacell White Paper
- Apr 26, 2016 ArmaTuff Brochure
- Apr 26, 2016 Heat-Timer Radiant Brochure
March 2016
- Mar 30, 2016 Case Study: Aquatherm Supports Sustainability Initiatives at Montana Brewery
- Mar 29, 2016 Blogs & Websites: Online writing for JMP Co.
- Mar 28, 2016 Online Writing: Greenspiration website
- Mar 28, 2016 Blog Post: Manufacturers Embrace the Fine Art of Romancing Homeowners
- Mar 28, 2016 Advertisement Targeting Multi-Unit Property Owners and Managers
- Mar 28, 2016 Case Study: Evansville State Hospital Installs Dedicated Heat Recovery Chiller
- Mar 28, 2016 White Paper: A New Day - and a New Name, Fantech
- Mar 23, 2016 Feature Article: Going Green in Greensboro
- Mar 23, 2016 Brochure: Armacell Engineered Foams
- Mar 23, 2016 Advertisement Targeting Residential Facility Managers and Superintendents
- Mar 23, 2016 Feature Article: Student-Designed Facility Combines Underfloor Ventilation, Ventilated Façade
- Mar 22, 2016 Feature Article: Overcoming Residential Makeup Air Challenges
- Mar 10, 2016 Case Study: Dolphin Stadium Scores with Waterfree Urinals
- Mar 10, 2016 Case Study: Bellagio in Bloom Year Round